Hello,I'm Samantha.


I'm making this website with an amazing program called Hello World.Although this is all about me, I enjoy talking about my family, friends, and school.I have a quite interesting life, as far as familygoes. I have many cousins, and amazing brother,wonderful mom, super cool dad, and many loving grandparents.

My hobbies

What have you learned so far?

I've learned about game design and starting to program and code a website. Even though I've only been here 3 days, I've learned more than I ever would have doing little things at school.

What do you think of Hello World?

Hello world is an amazing oppirtunity to learn somthing new and innovative. It's a great oppirtunity for girls to learn to code and about our future oppirtunities as women.

What questions do you have about women in computer science?

What inspired you to go into computer science?

Links To My Favorite Sites

W3 schools Pinterest Scratch

Visit their html tutorial View creative ideas Create and explore while making games and coding