Hello! My name is Elena. I am a sixth grader. I go to Ebeling Elementary. I go to a dance company called "Underground Dance Company". I am in a family of four. That is basically it!I am currently at a program for spring break called, "Hello World." This program is for girls who are intersted in programing. I have used a series of codes to build this website, that I am showcasing! I enjoy this program very much! First, I have the name of the program. Second, I have this descripition.Third, I have an ordered list of some of my hobbies! Forth, I have a link to google.com. Fifth, I have pictures that show my intials and my hobbies. Last, if you scroll all the way down you will see a gif suprise! This project was very fun, I have put a lot of work and tweeking into this site. This program was very influential for me! I am now looking into a career for programing! I hope you enjoy my website that has no purpose but to improve my coding skills!(and to present to you , of course!)